5 Powerful Keys to Getting Along with People

Author, Judson Edwards, identified several universal principles for getting along with people. While these keys are important and relevant philosophies to relationships, I have made some modifications to his list. In addition, I’ve also contributed several of my own thoughts in order to speak more clearly about the personal relationship difficulties you may face on an every day basis. I am convinced that if you consistently apply these principles you will improve your relationships at work and home.

1. Agree more, ague less
Contentious people are simply more difficult to get along with. While you may have strong opinions (and may be right much of the time), it won’t matter if it comes across as combative or argumentative. Learn to respect people’s ability to have their own opinion and beliefs. Be understanding, forgiving and gracious in your dealings with others. Know that often, the most important thing isn’t to make sure people know you are right.

2. Listen more, talk less
A motivational speaker once talked about a meeting he had with a CEO. He explained that during the meeting he spent almost the entire time listening to the other gentlemen. And when he did speak, it was to reiterate what the CEO had just stated.

After the meeting, the CEO excitedly told the motivational speaker, “You are about the best conversation I’ve ever had!”

When you listen, rather than talk, it does wonders for building the other person’s confidence and trust. By listening then talking afterward, in response, you’ll quickly establish better rapport and better relationships.

3. Rest more, work less
You may not realize this, but resting is even a Biblical principle! When God rested on the seventh day, he did so deliberately. Not on accident. If you are going to be effective in your relationships with others, you’ve got to be fresh, rested and ready to take on the day. When you exhibit those qualities to others, most likely they’ll also respond positively.

4. Give more, take less
One of the rules of science is that a gas expands to fill a space given. You should not act like a “gas” when dealing with others. By taking up room in your relationships, you squeeze out what the other person has to offer. First, allow the other person to feel comfortable by giving more room for them to express themselves. Then, relate to them as they feel comfortable-not how you want to.

5. Confess more, accuse less
By giving the benefit of the doubt to those you relate to you open up a gate of trust. This will provide a better arena to deal with them, and provide an encouraging environment. A key in developing this encouraging space is to show that yes, you too are human, you too make mistakes, and you too are willing to work though problems to get to solutions.